Wednesday 30 April 2014

I Decorate My Property. A poem

Diamond for the golden throat,
topaz a shape of swan,
emerald and ruby grace
all the hand of woman.
See how I decorate my property
to show others of my wealth,
I will parade her, show how I made her,
an advertisement of myself.

The power I command glitters there on her hand
around her wrist platinum and
This what I own, and sits next to my throne,
a thing,
I parade before kings,
golden chairs and silver tables shining in my halls
but she who glistens with my wealth--
my greatest possession of all.

Sparkling jewels in red and sapphire blue
the next one... could it be you?

See how I decorate my property
with things that catch the eye,
flesh will rot, blood dry way,
but these jewels will never die.
See how I decorate my property,
it speaks of the power within me, and
 of her slavery. 

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