Thursday, 4 September 2014

The New Rise of the Female Chauvinist Sow.

Feminism has stalled in NorthAm and other parts of the world.
This post is a very small part of my overview of my completed book, "FWICO, The Pervasive Nature of Disrespect."

While many traditional feminists and others want to keep blaming men, they have not quite understood what the definition of empowerment means. Empowerment does not come from someone else giving you their power,

it comes from creating your power yourselves.

Why has feminism stalled?

Simply put, feminism has stalled because of the lack of self analysis by male and female feminists of some women's behaviour. The light of analysis and critique of men by female and male feminists has been established and understood.
The kind of behaviour that typified the male chauvinist pig has been delineated, though not eradicated, as objectionable behaviour in a modern nation trying to progress to a more inclusive democracy.
There has not been any cogent analysis of the distaff behaviour, eg. the women, some women, who behave like female chauvenist sows.
These women exist. FCS's use their emotional and sexual dynamics to oppress men.
Female chauvinist sows underhandedly manipulate their emotionality and sexuality to gain relationship power, 
material gain and financial security.
They accomplish this partly by self sexual objectification.
Currently there is little dialogue that identifies these egregious behaviours on the part of some women.
Not all women, as not all men were chauvenists.
I must point out-- some women.
I dare say I will have to repeat this.
Further it is the behaviour that is objectionable not their gender.
It is not the gender we must challenge, for intellectual accuracy, it is the behaviour. Unlike the men disparaging
feminists who in their weak intellects lumped all men into the same category. The same way we should have identified our feminists objections rested on the behaviour of some men, not their gender that was objectionable in polite democracy.

The Warped Blending.

Our feminist analysis of contemporary life has been blindered by the female specific gender view. This view based all the "oppression" of women solely on men.

We forget that throughout history, for tens of thousands of years, women were 90 to 95% complicit in the arrangement whereby women stayed in the home and men went out in search of survival products.
This arrangement was not thought of as oppression for thousands of years, and in most of the countries of the world is still the norm.history as well. The hidden history.

At some point women must take responsibility for their own lives, many do now, but more need to for real empowerment.

In many cases men did oppress women, because power , natch, comes outside of the home from work action and money. However female oppression of men always existed in
Women did not always object to the traditional division of labour for the gender roles. Both gender species needs for survival products were met.
Things changed in the late 1800's in Europe when the Suffragette movement, of votes for women, began in England. So far so good.
However, among many other factors, there has been a disconnect between what women could accomplish for themselves and what they wanted men to do for them.
This is a crucial point.
One cannot expect the age of chivalry, a protective deference to the "weaker" gender and a preferential treatment of females to co-exist with new demands for 
equal treatment and equal opportunity.
However, there exists in our contemporary life in NorthAm
a warped blending by the FCS's for the old demands of preference and the new demands of equal treatment.
In no rational way can these two structures exist concurrently.
The female chauvinist sows, that is, those women who have become the same or were always the same 
in their behaviour, as the male chauvinist pig's behaviour want both sets of advantages.
That is insane.

We come to the level playing field. Every one has different innate skill sets. Can women succeed without men's help?

We observe many do, many can, and many more can
increasingly thanks to access to higher education.
We need them. We need girls and women, who have the skill sets, and not every one does, to become doctors, research scientists, bio chemists, geneticists etc.
If you have been paying attention lately you can readily understand why we need all the help we can get to combat the diseases, syndromes, and illness that abound with our human lives in bodies.
What the blank do we care if the researcher has a vagina
or a penis?
Will it matter when you are injected with tumor destroying nanites that a girl who was educated discovered?
It does not matter. 
Men have shouldered the total burden of the onerous weight of survival and security responsibility too long.
We need feminism to produce a culture that truly values both gender species, and orientation species as well.
Place responsibility on both gender species.
Respect of diversity is democracy.
Fascism is wanting everyone to be the same.

Feminism has stalled because some home truths, however unpalatable, about women's own behaviour has not been brought into contemporary dialogue. Why not exactly?

Are all women's behaviour in relationships perfectly angelic?
The egregious behaviour of some women, female chauvinist sows, must be challenged by men and women.
Women who are abusive, manipulate using "emotions"
and predate men by using their sexuality to bind men
to them legally for support is female chauvinist sow behaviour, and they have always existed.
They sell their sexuality and "love" to the highest Deegio bidder. Different Gender Oriented.
That they should now try to blend the the two
life styles, [one preferential, one independent], together is a foul and impure result of our myopic direction of criticism solely against men.
Instead we should be addressing our objections against the behaviour in general that either gender species or orientation species uses abusively.
In short - disrespect.
We have a pretty clear understanding of male chauvinist behaviour. This behaviour is, or should be, ostracising in
polite mannered contemporary life of NorthAm
So should the bullying, demeaning, and controlling behaviour of some women, the ones who behave like a female chauvinist.

The Prostitute Wife 

How do these FCS behaving women oppress men?

1] Through the purported sanctity of emotions- any emotion.

2] Through their own self objectified sexuality.

 I must digest the rather more intricate analysis of my book, ---- . FCSs use the primacy of their emotional structure as the template in a relationship. They use emotion as a kind of graven image of purity. Not all emotions are sane or wholesome. The attitude that any feeling a woman has must be respected because she..... feels...... it, belays common sense, as in the example reported on the BBC News website of the woman in the U.K. who beat her 5 year old son to death because he could not memorize scriptures successfully. 

She felt that way. 
Each emotion must be evaluated on the criteria of: is it respectful of others or is it abusive.
The female chauvinist believes all her emotions are templates for the emotions in the relationship.
Men have emotions~ they are simply not as profound as women, and being the sole survival product gainer they may have had to put them aside for survival.
Further, some people do not have to prove to others that they have emotions by constantly throwing them in the face of others at every possible opportunity.
That is called erratic behaviour and cannot be supported by any corporation's policy on inappropriate behavior in the workplace.
The workplace is where power or money is made.
Inappropriate behavior is also unacceptable in the home~~ where fwico it is "gotten away with" in relationships between married couples.

2] Sexual self selling. FCS's do not want to give up the manipulative bartering of their self induced objectification

of their sexuality for financial gain and security. The prostitute wife, for example.
Some female chauvinist behaving women use their own sexuality to secure a financial transaction of goods and services called a prostitute marriage.
That is, they objectify themselves for financial security.
Just where has been the contemporary feminist dialogue on this practice? Nowhere.
Sex trade workers do the same thing- on a temporary basis, without the blessing of the legal establishment,
or in fact the religious establishment.
At least they are honest about what they are doing.
Women cannot go on predating men, or assuming men must pay for them, by using their emotionality or sexuality to secure financial compensation for themselves from men. This practice, long been established, if the novels of Jane Austin are any indication, must end with womens' empowerment.  

Certainly one of the most depressing indicators of how our entire society quietly accepts the notion of some women as prostitutes was Mz. Gloria Steinam's remark regarding Mz. Miley Cyrus. Here we have an esteemed feminist apologizing for and excusing the professional insecurity of a young singer's vulgar display on TV. Millions of women performers are successful without making horses arses of themselves on TV to promote sales of their product.

Not only does Mz. Steinam apologize, but she does not lay the responsibility on Mz. Cyrus, an adult woman, where it rationally lays, but incredibly goes on to blame men for her behaviour. Men made her do it. Absurd.
Mz. Steinam does not only insult men in her backward view, but she insults millions of women who have succeeded with their own innate skill sets. I could never have predicted such an esteemed [?] feminist would embarrass her intellect in such a way. She needs to apologize to men and women for this statement.


The silence of the Feminist movement on these issues gives tacit approval to any behaviour on the part of women, however ignoble.

One must, in the words of George Michael , 
"be careful what you say!".
Men do not equal women, the Esgio do not equal the Deegio. Different Gender Oriented. DGO.
We are all different and democracy depends on rejoicing in and supporting this fact.
We have different skill sets, they are the factors that enable us to succeed in the world, - not gender.
Nor race.
This distinction is at the core of all human relationships,
but the media and most citizens seemingly cannot comprehend--
There is no equality.

What we must have , all citizens of the world's nations,

is equal rights applied by civil law, and equal opportunity in education.
We will never be equal. We can only treat each other with
respect of our individuality.
Men feel emotion differently that women, women feel sexuality different from men.
They do not feel the same, not in drive, intention, expectation or profoundity in the relative importance 
we attach to every day of our human lives in bodies.
You cannot expect your partner to mirror every single emotion you have -- that is tyranny. Oppression.
You cannot expect your partner to mirror every sexual expectation you have... that too is tyranny.
The warped blending represents an independent dependence, or if you prefer a dependent independence, in other words not a real independence.
So because I love you, and more important respect you, I have written these truths for you to read.
Until feminists, women and men, challenge FCS's behaviour in all parts of contemporary life, feminism will continue to stall, and sadly there will be no further genuine progress towards women's empowerment.
At least, that is from what I can observe. 

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