Dear Mr. Graydon Carter, Editor of Vanity Fair.
I can only describe the piranha like feeding frenzy of the media over President Trump as foaming at the mouth.
It is vengeance journalism.
So many immature reasons to take a swipe at the person who proved them all wrong, inept and out of touch with the electorate! It is a sad commentary on the noble profession of journalism that the major part of media commentary is involved in this retributive infantile reaction.
Previously I read, with much amusement mixed with unease, a, what do we call it?, editorial preface?, from you, Mr. Carter, on the subject of Mr Trump.
Persistent acumen dripped from every sentence.
Now in the summer 2017 Vanity Fair preface article I find you, Mr. Carter, have not lost one drop of acumen.
Hilarious yet sad, acid yet accurate, unsettling and compelling.
I do not categorize your editorial as frothy at all.
Simply an erudite study of opinion, which we still have the right to have, I hope, in contemporary NorthAm's two
beloved and blessed nations.
Four Trump articles!
Jame's Wolcott's article on GOP insiders loosing their traditional self given right to decide who the candidate will be clearly shows the origin of vengeance politics which is
the sister of vengeance journalism.
Enraged at their defeat, Republicans are still saying it is my baseball so you can't play.
This then becomes the second article on President Trump.
Oh. I know what you are thinking. No I do not give P. Trump
great marks for his delivery. Or manner. However there are nuggets of truth of accurate complaint that can be mined
from the combative nature of his speech.
Let me give you my particular objection, sans foam.
The PRC "raping us" comment.There is an actual legitimate complaint under, hidden in, beside, or diagonally across the street from the way he puts it.
It would be more accurate to say that when Mr X. Deng opened NorthAm's businesses to the teeming cheap labour of the PRC our executives laid on their backs with their legs open.
Mr. Trump highlighted a hypocrisy in unfair trade practices
however his verbal delivery nearly abnegated its perceptual value. He constantly succeeds in this manner.
The third piece on President Trump of the "Let's Foam Again Like We Did Last Summer" 2017 edition of V.F. by Ms. Lily Anolik begins as a reasonably good read until page 69 where she states President Trump is guilty of ".....calling Mexican immigrants rapists..." Hmmmm. Let's think.
What Mr Trump said was "....they are not sending their best, they are sending rapists, criminal etc......"
[Where does he get this "sending"?
Sorry, I digress.]
Reality is distorted when you become infected with "Old Foamy" the rabid disease of the extreme liberal left media.
In spite of that mitigation Ms. Anolik's statement is an outright foamy lie. Ms. Anolik's statement might also be called vengeance foam.
For integrity in journalism I recommend not lying. It is the best course.
Now there is the article on Star Wars.
I was glad to read an article that had nothing to do with Mr. Trump, although I was nervous that the author would put in something about Mr Trump being on the dark side of the force.
How do you do it, Mr. Carter? Do you throw a raccoon at them, wait 8 hours then let them off the leash?
I am referring of course, to the rabid imbecilic rantings of Mr. William D. Cohan regarding Mr. Stephen Miller.
In his attempt to paint the blackest most "DANGEROUS"
impression of Mr. Trump's advisor he depends on the input of a high school friend of Mr Miller.
And the litany of devilish traits would make Dante's hair stand on end.
Once, in a class... Mr Miller...get ready... lost his temper.
That certainly is a unique and terrifying thing to find out about a teen aged person.
Another time Mr Miller....put his hand on a pizza!
The American Psychiatric Council on Serial Murderers
list pizza handing as a precursor to pet abuse.
Further, there was a girl's race and Mr. Miller, in a Satanic way, no doubt, ran with them to show he could win.
Pathological misogyny! As a teenager.
It was not so ludicrous when Mr. Cohan attempted to
turn the support of wrongly accused Duke students,
who were after all found not guilty, into a condemnation
of Mr. Miller's character. Worst still, in a foamy kind of way,
Mr. Cohan seemed to imply that Mr. Miller's acknowledgement of the superiority of American values,
the kind that has led to plenty, advancement, study, medical and scientific easing of humanity's suffering,
and an aspirational democratic system of justice, while flawed, still, somehow, just somehow, is still the beacon of freedom to immigrants who are all yearning to come here,
into a negative character flaw.
However these preliminary objections to this sad vengeance journalism falls into nothingness compared to the verbal exhortation, twice no less!, that a high school classmate, a Mr. N. Silverman said Mr Miller is "DANGEROUS".
Article's capitals, not mine.
I never realized the views of former high school classmates
held such high esteem in the fact based world of journalism. Well, I suppose we all live to be corrected.
" ...know that he is a dangerous person, ... he has a dangerous mind and a dangerous way of thinking...
he won't rest, he won't stop..."
[Waydaminute! Is this Terminator One we are talking about?]
Oh. Are you trying to say he is dangerous?
Maybe if you repeat it 50 more times we will all think it is true.
Does Mr. Cohan aim his articles at mental 6 year olds?
So, as a favour to me, Mr Carter, could you consider an issue
without any Trump foam in it? That would be a refreshing change, at least, that is from what I can observe.